Archive for May, 2013
Smooth Out Your Web Surfing
The average online user is one savvy cookie, taking the art of multitasking to the extreme. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, email, online shopping, music downloads… and occasionally all at the same time.
Consider, if you will, how the savvy user gets their news. Rather than manually going to five or six or thirty new sites to keep up on current events or to get the latest information on their favorite product or to read the latest post by their favorite blogger, our uber user relies on an RSS news feeds list to deliver all the most relevant content front and center, no searching or updating necessary. Any news feed websites provide can be linked to automatically notify our user of updates, often times without even needing to click away from whatever picture of a funny cat has currently captivated their attention.
But what is an RSS feed? RSS stands for “Rich Site Summary”, though the commonly coined substitute “Really Simple Syndication” might give a better description. While magazines articles, newspaper articles, or television shows can be syndicated (that is, published in several places at the same time), news feeds for websites exist in a nearly perpetual state of syndication, rarely if ever appearing in only one place. Content writers add news feed to websites (or news feed for websites, if a writer writes for more than one place), and readers can easily “subscribe” to any news RSS feed lists send out, from new recipes to political headlines to blog posts.
Nearly every web browser contains a way to not only subscribe to feeds but to aggregate feeds into one notification scheme. So even as you subscribe to a news feed for Website A, a breaking story from Website B can pop onto your screen, even though you may not have visited Website B since the initial time you signed up for their RSS news feed. And now both your news feed for Website A and your news feed for Website B will appear in your aggregated news feed, perhaps even while you sign up for a news feed for Website C.
As information continues to pour onto the Internet, it might be not just convenient but very nearly necessary to rely on RSS news feeds to streamline your news gathering. Otherwise you could spend your entire lunch break sifting through countless bookmarks to check sites that might not even have any new content, and what time then for Facebook? Or lunch?
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Add News Feed To Website To Increase Web Traffic
One of the biggest reasons that individuals utilize the internet is to access updated, live information. Whether this includes information reported on social media websites, blogs, or news resources, individuals are likely to visit websites that provide up to date information as opposed to websites that may have information that is a bit dated. If you are the owner or manager of a blogging website or news resource and you are looking for convenient ways to provide updates to your visitors, consider adding a news RSS feed list or news feed for website. When you start your research regarding RSS news feeds list options, as well as other news feeds for websites, you will notice that there are plenty of ways to add news feed to website, and a news feed website can assist you. In many cases, when you look to add news feed to website, it can be done easily and in some cases, at little or no cost to you.
One of the best things you can do is research how to add news feed to website. Considering that there are many types of news feeds and that they can pertain to the type of website you are managing, it can be helpful to pinpoint what type you need. This will assist you in finding ways to add news feed to website in the most efficient way possible, as well as providing the most convenient and sufficient ways of updating your visitors. For example, you may be able to add news feed to website that pulls links or news stories from bigger websites, such as well known news providers. This may assist your website in receiving more traffic, since visitors will realize that they have a convenient way to access information from your website as well as other trusted resources for news or entertainment purposes.
If you are looking for ways to add news feed to website, then conducting an internet search can provide you with some of the best information. Considering that research is your best bet for finding the best ways to add news feed to website, you can easily access blog posts and articles that offer advice to individuals who are looking to complete this type of web development on their own. As such, consider conducting an internet search to help you access information and spend some time browsing your options.