Why Divorce Mediation Might Work for You – Family Reading
Oklahoma is a prime example of a country where both parties to a divorce process must engage in mediation at home. LaCourse Law examines how mediation might be better than trials for your divorce.
Trials last a long time and cost a lot of money. Mediation offers a method to shorten the time to end a divorce. It is also cheaper than having to go to trial. Mediation can be less stressful as a trial is for many couples. They have the right to decide on any decisions. In a divorce court, a judge makes the final judgment.
You don’t even have to stay in the same room as your soon-to-be-ex-spouse. The mediator moves from room to room throughout the process of mediation. Your ex or you can hire the mediator to act as an attorney. The mediator can only assist you in determining if it is possible to reach an agreement by you with the ex.
If you’re headed to trials, your statements will be recorded, except when a judge asks to remove them from the record. The mediation process is confidential. Everything said is private. Mediators are legally prohibited not to disclose anything that you spoke about with your partner. ekoucjp6l6.