Basics of Bail Bonds – Boise Family Law Newsletter
This is an intricate process that varies between states. Bail bonds are court-settled agreements that demand that criminal defendants attend a courtroom or make a payment. The bail bond is used to secure the release of the defendant before their trial. It’s crucial to realize that this bail bond is a promise by the defendant to sign a guarantee of debt, better known as a surety. Let’s now examine the basics of bail bond and how they are used in the courts.
The amount of bail is set in advance, but a judge is allowed to modify the bail amounts. An accused is allowed to post bail during regular business hours or even after the hours of operation for jail. A bail application’s receipt will be recorded by a clerk.
If the defendant does not attend court, there will be a hearing so that an arrest warrant can be issued. The court will keep the bond at the current amount if they find the defendant’s reason for not attending court ineligible.
To find out more about bail bonds, and the various uses, check out the video that we’ve linked to above. pxny9h4ti5.