What Are the Most Common Problems Requiring Air Conditioning Repair? – Family Issues
The system should operate smoothly. If your system has not been often maintained, you are more likely to have issues.
Filters with dirty filters
Filters that are dirty can decrease the effectiveness of your cooling system and force it to work more efficiently, leading to higher expenses for energy, and even breakdown.
Refrigerant Leaks
Refrigerant leaks can cause your cooling system to fail to maintain its cooling capacity and could require costly repair.
Frozen Coils
Frozen coils can occur when there’s a shortage of air flow over the coils. They can be because of dirty filters, defective blower motors for the blower, or an inefficient thermostat.
Electrical Issues
Problems with electrical wiring can cause your air conditioning system to stop running completely or function improperly. They can result from defective wiring, a defective thermostat or broken compressor.
Leaking Ducts
A leaky duct can cause the air conditioner to fail to function properly and even waste energy.
It’s essential that you have your AC system routinely examined and maintained with a trained professional to keep these issues from occurring. It is best to call an expert who can identify the issue and then fix the issue.