Understanding Boiler Water Treatment – Diy Index

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This process is used to treat water that goes into the boiler by eliminating DS, SS, and DO so as to prevent any possible problems.

It can cause an increase in foaming, corrosion, and deposition. The cause of corrosion is typically electrochemical processes at the locations where the boiler drum’s wall is in contact with the ground. The reason for foaming is due to an excessive concentration of dissolving solids. This causes steam to carry over impurities and deposition of the impurities onto the turbine’s shell and blade. Deposition is precipitation that is due to high temperatures. This can cause the blades as well as the shell to become encrusted by deposits of phosphates and carbonates. The result could lead to tubes to collapse or constriction.

Solutions for corrosion can include demineralization, deaeration, desulphurization and drum wall plating and pH modification. The most effective treatments for foaming is filtration, demineralization and condensate polishing. Water purification, deposition, condensate polishing, and carbonate removal are all effective. There is a lot that happens in these steps, and they are definitely beneficial to understand if you would like to get an in-depth understanding of how the boiler water treatment is done. as55dxiol7.