What Hard Water Does to your Skin (And How to Combat the Effects) – Healthy Huntington
Softening the effect of a baby cleanser, ‘there have found similar patterns in Japanese as well as Spanish children who live in hard-water areas.
Scalp and hair
Hard water may cause dryness or itching, aswell with an increase in the sensitivity of your skin. Your hair may lose color or shine. The PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research performed a scan electron microscope of hair which examined hard water. It discovered that hard water reduces hair thickness and causes hair to get ruffled. The minerals in hard water form a film atop hair that decreases water’s ability to penetrate the hair the hair’s strands. Additionally, they leave residue on the scalp leading to seborrheic dermatitisthat could cause the development of dandruff. According to Dr. Patrick Angelos, author of ‘The Science and Art of Hair Restoration, losing hair is common when hard water affects the scalp seriously. This is most common for sufferers of eczema as well as the psoriasis.
Here’s what one can conclude regarding the effect of hardwater on the skin barrier. In the words of dermatologist Anjali Mahto, author of The Skincare Bible: Your No-Nonsense Guide to Beautiful Skin, research indicates that hard water causes damage to the skin barrier. But, this can be more relevant for people suffering from eczema. For those already tending towards eczema, hard water can cause severe irritation that can trigger flare-ups.
Strategies to combat the effects of the hard Water
There are numerous solutions you can try out to reduce the negative effects of hard water. There are some that you might not have considered including chiropractic treatments. The study in the National Library of Medicine (Treatment of acute atopic skin eczema using chiropractic treatment) found that chiropractic treatment may help improve the symptoms of eczema. Chiropractors claim that spinal manipulation may help patients affected by acne. It can also help minimize symptoms, such as pimples and inflammation. S