What Is Cool Lifting and How Can it Help You? – FFH Nutrition
Let’s find out more.
If you’re thinking that it’s possible to have to lift your face, an ice-cold procedure may be an ideal option. This non-invasive procedure takes about five minutes at most and is completely comfortable. The treatment will not just rejuvenate your skin but can be a great help in creating a lifted and wrinkle-free look.
Cool-lifting facials are a ideal option when you’re experiencing the signs of aging or skin loosening that you don’t wish to deal with. This is done by exposing the skin to extremely high-pressure and low-temperature carbon dioxide (CO2) on the skin’s surface. The skin is exposed to a very low temperature and high pressure blast of carbon dioxide (CO2). This increases blood flow and enhances oxygenation. It can be used as a standalone treatment or added for a facial.
This method is ideal to treat wrinkles, fine lines and rough skin. It is not necessary to have a facelift if you mix regular facial treatments. vptu2buc8x.